We all know that iconic color. Tiffany Blue® is recognizable worldwide as the classic color associated with one of the most highly regarded brands in history; Tiffany & Co., Many of Tiffany & Co.'s sterling silver pieces, have this color implemented into an enamel that perfectly coats the silver in the striking blue hue.
Bellas Jewelry is an authorized partner of Tiffany & Co. that helps create their iconic Tiffany Blue® enamel. As you can imagine, Tiffany & Co. does not trust many third-party jewelers with their brand, so it is a great honor to be one of their trusted partners, and it speaks volumes about the level of quality in our work. About 75% of Tiffany & Co.'s enamel work comes through our store, and we take great pride in that honor.
See why some of the most prestigious brands in the world trust Bellas Jewelry Inc. with their brand. Call us today to learn more.
Contact Information
Address: 1800 Post Road Suite 17, Warwick, RI 02886
Phone: (401) 529-7151
Email: modesto925@hotmail.com